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>> Confessions of a Scrapaholic <<

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


...it's weird, I didn't even have any coffee today and I STILL feel like I'm rarin' to go!

Work was actually quite busy today (I am SO minus MSN right now because a lot of people were fooled by this virus from UPS we all received and a TON of people at work opened it before our tech peeps could tell us not to, so I'm trying to keep a low profile since I already JUST had my computer completely wiped out of all the crap in it). I got home and The Mister and I got into cleaning mode - and I actually CLEANED!

My assignment was to tackle the NASTY amount of dishes and things growing in the sink and The Mister's was to clean out our closet to make room for stuff and I had a little fun along the way à la this:

...yes, yes, that really IS the coolness of me. I wanted to put my wedding dress on too, but The Mister refused to get the dress out of the box and lace me up. MEH...dress up = DENIED. Ah well, if you're wondering, I did take the veil off shortly after this picture was taken (after I ran around the house and fanned it out for a bit...)

After the cleaning I was kind of pooped, but I had gone and had a little fun at Dollarama and found these fabulous Post-it notes and I tried my hand at making some post-it clipboards - hence...CLIP-ITs!

So these are for my co-workers and myself. We've recently become quite the bonded trio after my co-worker's personal stuff and it's been a fabulous time at the office (also less drama from the most dramatic one who's FINALLY off for a while). The first clipboard says STRONG for the co-worker going through the personal stuff, the second says CHARMING just because she SO is, and the third says BRILLIANT because I TOTALLY am! *LoL* It's kind of an inside joke between the three of us that worked out really well since I had the metal plates...I probably won't remember it the next time I read this...

So, onto the materials!

Coaster chipboard - http://www.pezadoodle.com/
Paper: Glitter Stack - Chapters
Flowers: Prima - Cafe Prima
Ribbon: Generic - I don't even remember
Post-it pad - Dollarama
Clip - Dollarama
Metal plates - Dollarama

Oops, and I almost forgot, some Princess Pops I robbed from myself!

P.S. Oh and a little off-topic, but my cousin's wedding that happened a few weeks ago...I'm going to be a GODMOTHER! She brought home a little honeymoon peanut!


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