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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Taking a walk...

...down blog-memory lane. It occured to me from catching a glimpse of someone's blogaversary sign, that my own blogaversary is coming up! And after I installed mine, I realized how soon it was coming up!

Wow, I can't believe that I've had my blog for almost a year! I know that I didn't write as much or post as much in terms of ACTUAL projects (as opposed to the stuff I buy *LOL*) but that was my year and I can't take it back or change it (actually, I guess I could by way of back-posts, but that would just be cheating myself, wouldn't it...) All I'll have to do is just try harder to be a much better blogger!

I think now's a good time to put in another of these posts since I haven't done much of those either!


Although I don't update my blog as much as I should, when I get to like peoples' blogs, I read them all from the very beginning. Not just a few posts back...I like to go to a blog's archive and start from the veeery beginning and work my way forward. It's fun to really get to know someone and their beginnings...I guess it's also one of those things where you treat yourself how you'd like to be treated, and I guess I would hope that some people would find me interesting enough to read from the very beginning. It must just be the nosy-ness in me. I just like to know everything there is to know...plus it's fun to see how people's work have evolved...speaking of which...

Want to know something? I went and started reading mine from the beginning. It's really fun...I make myself laugh with the weird, crazy things that I say and think and it's so FUNNY to see how crazed I could get over buying things and waiting for things in the mail. Want to know something else? I was in the middle of reading one of my earlier posts and The Mister walks by and goes, "Ew, that one's UGLY!" *rolls eyes* Can you just imagine the backtracking he had to do to try to dig himself out of the hole he just dug and threw himself into when I told him it was MY card? *sniffs* Hmph!

Anywho...I came across a couple things that I had written that made me laugh out loud (either in actual entertainment or embarrassment) and I thought that I would post a few of them from now until my actual blogaversary.

Plus, word on the street is that some people give away blog candy on their blogaversary, so I wouldn't want to be the odd one out! Looks like I've got to get some fun things together, then! We shall see...

On to some SillySkittle-isms throughout the year...

"The first step is admitting you have a problem.
My name is Catherine, and I am a shop-a-holic.
The problem is, I need more stuff."



Renee said...

We always need more stuff, huh???
Cause there is always a new technique or product to try and love.

Just know you are not alone!
Have a great day!

Erin Glee said...

Shopping or wanting the "stuff" is an important part of this hobby for me... (and I'm guessig many others, too!).
Happy upcoming Blogaversary!

Unknown said...

woo hoo i noticed that too - one year!!!! an of course we NEED all the latest goodies and such.....and we need them in every color!!

Kevin Renz said...

Hi Catherine! Thanks for checking up on me - you are the sweetest. I still can't believe that I didn't get a picture with you - I'm such a dufus!!!

Anyway, I've actually been in Florida with my Mom this past week. I left on last Sunday and will be back home this coming Sunday. My Grandma isn't doing very well and she's been moved to a nursing care facility. All this happened relatively quickly and her apt was left intact. My mom and I are cleaning out her entire apt - yuck!!!

Anyway, we are doing fine though -- its just sad to see her this way. She is suffering from dementia.

I'll be back though :)

lisa808 said...

Your first blogerversary--how exciting! A sure sure goes by fast.