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>> Confessions of a Scrapaholic <<

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Confession #9

...so, it's funny how when I first started making cards, I just *HAD* to have a Cricut so that it would bring up the level of my cardmaking and scrapbooking. Once I had discovered the Cricut via the infomercial, I couldn't make anything until I got the Cricut. Anything I tried to make didn't look good but I just knew that once I got the Cricut, everything would look better.

I joined The Board while waiting for my Cricut to arrive and discovered that I was SO far behind in what I "needed" for cardmaking/scrapbooking that I wasn't even part of the race. So I had to quickly catch up so that I had most of those things too by the time my Cricut arrived.

Then I had to make sure I had LOTS of carts. I was CONVINCED I needed all the carts.

The all-day CM crop was April 19 and I haven't even taken my little baby bug out of it's bag that I packed it in. It's been sitting underneath my craft table since that day. What's worse is I got JOTS and SYI from AnnaBlack April 21...and I haven't even taken them out of their plastic packaging. I haven't even taken them out of the box they came in. *whistles*


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